#include <peatlandturnovermodule.h>
Public Member Functions | |
PeatlandTurnoverModule () | |
virtual | ~PeatlandTurnoverModule ()=default |
void | doLocalDomainInit () override |
void | doTimingInit () override |
void | doTimingStep () override |
![]() | |
PeatlandTurnoverModuleBase () | |
virtual | ~PeatlandTurnoverModuleBase ()=default |
void | configure (const DynamicObject &config) override |
void | subscribe (NotificationCenter ¬ificationCenter) override |
![]() | |
virtual | ~CBMModuleBase ()=default |
void | onSystemInit () override |
void | onSystemShutdown () override |
void | onLocalDomainInit () override |
void | onLocalDomainShutdown () override |
void | onLocalDomainProcessingUnitInit () override |
void | onLocalDomainProcessingUnitShutdown () override |
void | onPreTimingSequence () override |
void | onTimingInit () override |
void | onTimingPrePostInit () override |
void | onTimingPostInit () override |
void | onTimingPostInit2 () override |
void | onTimingShutdown () override |
void | onTimingStep () override |
void | onTimingPreEndStep () override |
void | onTimingEndStep () override |
void | onTimingPostStep () override |
void | onOutputStep () override |
void | onPrePostDisturbanceEvent () override |
void | onPostDisturbanceEvent () override |
void | onPostDisturbanceEvent2 () override |
void | onError (std::string msg) override |
void | onDisturbanceEvent (DynamicVar e) override |
void | onPostNotification (short preMessageSignal) override |
virtual void | doSystemInit () |
virtual void | doSystemShutdown () |
virtual void | doLocalDomainShutdown () |
virtual void | doLocalDomainProcessingUnitInit () |
virtual void | doLocalDomainProcessingUnitShutdown () |
virtual void | doPreTimingSequence () |
virtual void | doTimingPrePostInit () |
virtual void | doTimingPostInit () |
virtual void | doTimingPostInit2 () |
virtual void | doTimingShutdown () |
virtual void | doTimingPreEndStep () |
virtual void | doTimingEndStep () |
virtual void | doTimingPostStep () |
virtual void | doOutputStep () |
virtual void | doError (std::string msg) |
virtual void | doDisturbanceEvent (DynamicVar) |
virtual void | doPrePostDisturbanceEvent () |
virtual void | doPostDisturbanceEvent () |
virtual void | doPostDisturbanceEvent2 () |
virtual void | doPostNotification (short preMessageSignal) |
Private Member Functions | |
void | doWaterTableFlux () |
void | updateWaterTable () |
void | updateParameters () |
double | getModifiedAnnualWTD (std::string modifierStr) |
Private Attributes | |
flint::IVariable * | _waterTableDepthModifier { nullptr } |
flint::IVariable * | _spinupMossOnly { nullptr } |
flint::IVariable * | _appliedAnnualWTD { nullptr } |
double | _forward_longterm_wtd { 0 } |
double | _forward_previous_annual_wtd { 0 } |
double | _forward_current_annual_wtd { 0 } |
std::string | _forward_wtd_modifier { "" } |
bool | _modifiersFullyAppplied { false } |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | updatePeatlandLivePoolValue () |
void | doLivePoolTurnover () |
double | computeWaterTableDepth (double dc, int peatlandID) |
double | computeCarbonTransfers (double previousAwtd, double currentAwtd, double a, double b) |
![]() | |
const flint::IPool * | _atmosphere = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyFoliageLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyStemsBranchesLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyRootsLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _sedgeFoliageLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _sedgeRootsLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _featherMossLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _sphagnumMossLive = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyFineDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyCoarseDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyFoliageDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _woodyRootsDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _sedgeFoliageDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _sedgeRootsDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _feathermossDead = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _acrotelm_o = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _catotelm_a = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _acrotelm_a = nullptr |
const flint::IPool * | _catotelm_o = nullptr |
flint::IVariable * | _regenDelay = nullptr |
flint::IVariable * | _shrubAge = nullptr |
Peatland shrub age variable, which may be very old /summary> More... | |
std::shared_ptr< PeatlandTurnoverParameters > | turnoverParas = nullptr |
Turnover parameters associated to this peatland unit /summary> More... | |
std::shared_ptr< PeatlandGrowthParameters > | growthParas = nullptr |
Growth parameters associated to this peatland unit /summary> More... | |
DynamicObject | baseWTDParameters |
double | woodyFoliageLive { 0 } |
double | woodyStemsBranchesLive { 0 } |
double | woodyRootsLive { 0 } |
double | sedgeFoliageLive { 0 } |
double | sedgeRootsLive { 0 } |
double | featherMossLive { 0 } |
double | sphagnumMossLive { 0 } |
bool | _runPeatland { false } |
int | _peatlandId { -1 } |
virtualdefault |
overridevirtual |
Set the value of the pools "Atmosphere", "WoodyFoilageLive", "WoodyStemsBranchesLive", "WoodyRootsLive", "SedgeFoliageLive", "SedgeRootsLive", "SphagnumMossLive", "FeatherMossLive", "WoodyFoliageDead", "WoodyFineDead", "WoodyCoarseDead", "WoodyRootsDead", "SedgeFoliageDead", "SedgeRootsDead", "FeathermossDead", "Acrotelm_O", "Catotelm_A", "Acrotelm_A", "Catotelm_O" from _landUnitData to PeatlandTurnoverModule._atmosphere, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyFoliageLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyStemsBranchesLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._sedgeFoliageLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._sedgeRootsLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._sphagnumMossLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._featherMossLive, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyFoliageDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyFineDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyCoarseDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._woodyRootsDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._sedgeFoliageDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._sedgeRootsDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._feathermossDead, PeatlandTurnoverModule._acrotelm_O, PeatlandTurnoverModule._catotelm_A, PeatlandTurnoverModule._acrotelm_A, PeatlandTurnoverModule._catotelm_O
Set value of variables "spinup_moss_only", "regen_delay", "base_wtd_parameters", "applied_annual_wtd" from _landUnitData to PeatlandTurnoverModule._spinupMossOnly, PeatlandTurnoverModule._regenDelay, PeatlandTurnoverModule.baseWTDParameters, PeatlandTurnoverModule._appliedAnnualWTD
Reimplemented from CBMModuleBase.
overridevirtual |
Set PeatlandTurnoverModule._runPeatland and PeatlandTurnoverModule._modifiersFullyAppplied to false, PeatlandTurnoverModule._appliedAnnualWTD is reset
If value of variable "load_peatpool_initials" in _landUnitData is not null, invoke PeatlandTurnoverModule.loadPeatlandInitialPoolValues()
If the value of "peatland_class" in _landUnitData is not empty, assign turnoverParas a shared pointer of PeatlandGrowthParameters and set it to "peatland_turnover_parameters" in _landUnitData
assign growthParas a shared pointer of PeatlandGrowthParameters ans set it to "peatland_growth_parameters" in _landUnitData
Set the result of PeatlandTurnoverModule.computeWaterTableDepth() to the three water table depths PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_longterm_wtd, PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_previous_annual_wtd and PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_current_annual_wtd
Reimplemented from CBMModuleBase.
overridevirtual |
If spinupMossOnly is true return
If PeatlandTurnoverModule._runPeatland is true and value of PeatlandTurnoverModule._regenDelay > 0, indicating delay period, there is no growth, invoke PeatlandTurnoverModule.doWaterTableFlux() to perform transfers between pools catotelm and acrotelm
If PeatlandTurnoverModule._runPeatland is true and value of PeatlandTurnoverModule._regenDelay <= 0, invoke PeatlandTurnoverModule.updatePeatlandLivePoolValue() to update the current pool values, PeatlandTurnoverModule.doLivePoolTurnover() to turnover on live pools and PeatlandTurnoverModule.doWaterTableFlux() to perform transfers between pools catotelm and acrotelm
Reimplemented from CBMModuleBase.
private |
Add transfers between the pools PeatlandTurnoverModule._catotelm_o, PeatlandTurnoverModule._catotelm_a, PeatlandTurnoverModule._acrotelm_o, PeatlandTurnoverModule._acrotelm_a based on the values of current annual water table depth PeatlandTurnoverModule._spinup_current_annual_wtd, previous annual water table depth PeatlandTurnoverModule._spinup_previous_annual_wtd and long term annual water table depth PeatlandTurnoverModule._spinup_longterm_wtd
Invoke createStockOperation() on _landUnitData, compute the flux using PeatlandTurnoverModule.computeCarbonTransfers()
Submit the stock operation to the LandUnitData and apply the stock operation to the _landUnitData
private |
Extract the value of the current year from the argument modifierStr, if years > 0 decrement the value of year by 1. After the decrement, if year is 0, set PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_wtd_modifier to empty string and PeatlandTurnoverModule._modifiersFullyAppplied to true. Else if year != 0, then set PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_wtd_modifier to the concatenation of the value of the current year and the value of the modifier from argument modifierStr
modifierStr | string |
private |
private |
Update the water table
Set the value of variable "annual_drought_class" in _landUnitData to the current annual drought code if it is not empty, else set it to the value of variable "default_annual_drought_class" in _landUnitData
Invoke PeatlandTurnoverModule.computeWaterTableDepth() to compute the water table depth parameter to be used in current step with parameters as annual drought code and PeatlandTurnoverModule._peatlandId
If PeatlandTurnoverModule._modifiersFullyAppplied is false, apply the water table depth modifier and update the current year water table depth
if the local modifier, PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_wtd_modifier, is empty, it means it is never set before, then check if there is a valid WTD modifer, PeatlandTurnoverModule._waterTableDepthModifier, trigged in the event.If there is a WTD modifier, get the valid WTD value for current step and update the modifiers accordingly, set the new water table depth to the result of PeatlandTurnoverModule.getModifiedAnnualWTD() with parameter as PeatlandTurnoverModule._waterTableDepthModifier
Else, if the forward WTD modifier, PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_wtd_modifier, is already set, get the valid WTD value and update remaining modifiers accordingly, set the result of PeatlandTurnoverModule.getModifiedAnnualWTD() with parameter as PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_wtd_modifier to the new water table depth
Set the previous annual WTD, PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_previous_annual_wtd, with the old value (not updated) current water table value PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_current_annual_wtd, update the current WTD, PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_current_annual_wtd with the newly computed WTD value, post the updated PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_current_annual_wtd as applied annual WTD by setting the value of PeatlandTurnoverModule._appliedAnnualWTD to PeatlandTurnoverModule._forward_current_annual_wtd
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |
private |